ÿþ<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>ALL&#256HD&#256D KH&#256N (d. 1843)</TITLE> <style type="text/css"> .BODY { background-color: #EAF1F7; background-image: url('images/gtbh.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-position: center; color: #0066CC;} .C1{text-align: justify;color: #0066CC;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} .BIB{text-align: center;color: #000099;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} .CONT{text-align: right;color: #FF0000;FONT-size: SMALL;FONT-family: Tahoma;} </style><META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="ALLHDD"> <META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></HEAD> <BODY class="BODY" oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false"> <FONT ALIGN="JUSTIFY" FACE="Tahoma"> <p class="C1">&#65279ALL&#256HD&#256D <u>KH</u>&#256N (d. 1843) was the last ruler of Kha&#7789&#7789ekh&#275l family of &#7788onk, situated in Bann&#363 district, on the northwest frontier. When Mah&#257r&#257j&#257 Ra&#7751j&#299t Si&#7749gh conquered this region in 1821, All&#257hd&#257d <u>Kh</u>&#257n became a tributary of the Sikh government. As the tribute had fallen in arrears, an expedition was sent against &#7788o&#7749k in 1836. All&#257hd&#257d <u>Kh</u>&#257n fled, but he continued his intrigues against the Sikhs. In 1843, Fateh <u>Kh</u>&#257n &#7788iw&#257&#7751&#257, who was sent to curb his revolt, proposed that All&#257hd&#257d <u>Kh</u>&#257n be appointed governor of &#7788onk to secure peace in the territory. The proposal was still under consideration of the Lahore Darb&#257r when All&#257hd&#257d <u>Kh</u>&#257n died.</p> </font> <p class="BIB"> BIBLIOGRAPHY<p class="C1"><ol class="C1"><li class="C1"> Griffin, Lepel, <i>The Punjab Chiefs</i>. Lahore, 1890<BR> <li class="C1"> Gupta, Hari Ram, <i>Panjab on the Eve of First Sikh War. Chandigarh</i>, 1956<BR> </ol><p class="CONT">Har&#299 R&#257m Gupta<br></p><BR> </font> <img src="counter.aspx" width="1px" height="1px" alt=""> </HTML></BODY>